
During my Spring ‘22 semester, I had a course on software development. My group and I eventually settled on what would become ChefDoe. ChefDoe is a web-app that allows you to select a recipe from a list, choose the number of servings, and then select which ingredients you’d like to have delivered. To facilitate this, the calculated amount of each ingredient would be displayed and you would simply select the ones you needed. When finished, you could review your order and input your Amazon credentials to allow ChefDoe to order these ingredients for delivery. I was responsible for the frontend of the project and nearly all code aside from the order bot is mine. Prior to this I had no experience with Reactjs and it was quite difficult. My code is not as clean as it could’ve been because I wrote it all in less than a week. While the frontend is feature-complete, the bot was unreliable at best. Our final working prototype is available on my former teammate’s github.

