Space Neighbors

Space Neighbors was my artistic creation for a class about astronomy in culture. I decided to create a piece which was effectively an interactive lecture to better facilitate learning about the planets in our solar system. I decided to use the Phaser 3 framework to create this project and, from start to finish, the project took me about 1 week. Aside from the usual intrigue of learning a new language to create this game, I had an interesting moment near the end of development. I had completed all necessary functions and created all the tools required for me to build the game around day 5. It took me 2 entire days to simply input the prompts and solutions for all problems. I just had no motivation since I was not solving any technical issue; there was no programming left and I seriously struggled with focusing on the project. In the end, however, Space Neighbors came out great and I am very proud of my work on it.


Phaser 3